Compassionate Structural Bodywork



My work integrates various massage and bodywork modalities to help each individual client unravel some of the tension inhabiting their bodies and to keep this tension from returning. Below are descriptions of the modalities I regularly use during my work.

Connective Tissue Therapy

Connective Tissue Therapy, as the name implies, works with the connective tissues, especially the myofascia (the tissues surrounding and investing the muscle tissue), the tendons weaving muscle to bone, the ligaments bridging adjacent bones, and the other tissues involved in joint movement and stability. Connective tissue work is slow, allowing the tissue to unfold and unwind. This work can be done at any level, from very light to very deep.

Neuromuscular Therapy (Trigger Point Therapy)

Every muscle in the body has at least one trigger point. These points can become hypersensitive and create localized pain in the muscle tissue and also refer there pain to other locations in the body. Trigger points themselves are generally very small, but once a trigger point becomes especially active and tight, it tends to recruit other fibers around it to tighten as well, which can create the "knots" that many of us are all too familiar with. Neuromuscular Therapy works to decrease the amount of standing tension in these trigger points. By applying sustained but loving pressure to these points, we can reset the neuromuscular connection and relieve pain and tightness.

Energy Palpation

The molecules that make up every cell of the human organism are a form of vibrating energy. When all of this energy is combined, it creates an electromagnetic field that can be felt radiating from the body. By working with this energy and the subtle rhythms of the body, we can affect change in both body and mind through the use of still holds and gentle rocking, either in place of more traditional physical manipulations or as a complement to them.

Body Mapping

Developed by William and Barbara Conable, Body Mapping is a technique for increasing and refining our kinesthetic sense. Kinesthesia is our sense of movement: tiny receptors in our joints and muscles, and in our inner ear, give our brain information about our body's relationship to gravity and movement through space. During the course of our lives, this sense can become impaired through inaccurate or vague ideas about our bodies. Our bodies move as we believe them to be constructed, not as they are actually constructed. Body Mapping is a technique that helps us to better understand how our body fits together, so that we can become more efficient movers.

Swedish Massage

Developed in the 19th century by Pehr Henrik Ling, the intention of Swedish massage is to increase blood and lymph circulation, thereby increasing delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and enhancing the removal of metabolic wastes. Swedish strokes are generally light to medium pressure and done at a fairly quick pace.

I cannot say enough good things about Jon and the excellent work he does. He’s kind, compassionate, and really listens to your issues while getting results. I’ve had chronic back/shoulder pain treated by multiple chiropractors and massage therapists over the years, and no one has been able to help alleviate the pain in the way that Jon has. I especially like that during sessions he has been great about explaining what he’s doing and why and giving me insight into how my body’s systems work. Amazing!
— E.M., make-up artist